This evening I played my fourth recital in perhaps the finest theatre in Zurich and audience enthusiasm was immense throughout! Seldom does one receive such compliments particularly for one’s instrument. One lady guitarist afterwards observed, “It’s the best of the guitar and the lute united in a single instrument!”
Christian Hostettler, Guitarist, Zurich
The New Lute was first meant simply as a supplement to my other instruments, but it proved so versatile in the meantime that my guitars are like a supplement to the sound spectrum of the lute. I was particularly astounded in ensemble and orchestra work.
Christian Lang, Guitarist, Reutlingen (Germany)
In a chamber music setting the unprecedented transparency and differentiability of the instrument are fascinating... Since no radical change is necessary at all in playing technique, I would say the New Lute is an outstanding alternative to the classical guitar and a great musical enrichment.
Andreas Scheuermann, Guitarist, Altdorf (Switzerland)
After an hours playing and bathing in the sound of the New Lute, I was rather shocked how my excellent Concert Guitar sounded in direct comparison more like a shoebox with strings on.
Peter Autschbach, Jazz Guitarist, Siegen (Germany)
“My Ferrari!”
Raffaele di Raimondo, Lutenist, Düsseldorf